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I am Christopher Marcotte. I am a research worker focusing on pattern formation, dynamical systems, computational physics, and typically where these intersect with cardiac dynamics. Concisely, I electrocute rocks into thinking about how hearts don’t beat. I did my undergrad at the University of Rhode Island and graduated magna cum laude in 2010 with a BSc in physics. I went to Georgia Institute of Technology from 2010-2016 and graduated with my PhD in physics. I spent 2017-2019 at the EPSRC Centre for Predictive Modelling in Healthcare as a Research Fellow at the University of Exeter in Mathematics. Since 2020 I have worked at Georgia Institute of Technology as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Computational Science and Engineering. The observant reader may note that I have been each letter of the STEM acronym.


You can find a listing of my academic publications here. I have been a regular at the SIAM Dynamical Systems conference (formerly ‘Snowbird’) since 2013, the SIAM Life Sciences conference since 2015, and have presented at the SIAM Computational Science and Engineering conference in 2021. I also co-organized an international workshop at the University of Exeter focusing on the medical and mathematical aspects of cardiac dynamics in December 2018, several minisymposia at SIAMDS21, and recently helped on the organizing committee for Dynamics Days US 2021.


Since a signficant portion of my research involves computational modeling, I have begun to be serious about maintaining repositories in the last couple of years. My github profile can be found here. There are some other codes in other places, which, for licensing and privacy reasons, are unavailable at this time.